Bio-based Plastics: Exploring Perspectives, Risks and Solutions

All events
20 Sep 2023 - 21 Sep 2023

Maria Aiello from Digiotouch was a speaker at the upcoming Bio-based Plastics: Exploring Perspectives, Risks and Solutions, Scientific Colloquium in Bremerhaven, Germany on 20-21 September.

Maria shared insights on the challenges and innovative solutions in the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) as part of the upPE-T project.

The aim of the event was to unite experts, researchers, and industry leaders to explore the latest advancements, applications, and future prospects of biobased plastics.


All Dates

  • From 20 Sep 2023 to 21 Sep 2023


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 953214.